09/05/2018 - After a two-months of summer break, the NYPD Fifth Precinct police-community forum resumed at CCBA. During the meeting, President Eric Ng announced the results of petitions that CCBA collected in Chinatown.  Over 96% of businesses and participants opposed the City's proposal to relocate additional inmates and expand the Manhattan Detention Center in Chinatown.

09/05/2018 - 經過兩個月暑期休會後,五分局警民會議再次在中華公所復會。會上伍銳賢主席公佈中華公所過去數星期向社區收集的問卷調查結果,超過96%商戶及僑胞反對市府擴建監獄及收容更多囚犯提案。