10/23/2018 - President Eric Ng, Lin Sing Association President James Wong, Hoy Sun Ning Yung Association President Raymond Tsang and representatives from Neighbors United Below Canal (NUBC) went to the office of City Council Member Margaret Chin, presented her the petition collected from the community against the building of the new jail, and urged her to represent her community's voice against the Mayor's plan.

10/23/2018 - 伍銳賢主席、聯成公所黃達良主席、寧陽會館曾偉康主席與「堅尼路以南鄰里聯盟」(NUBC)等社區人士,將收集到反對在華埠興建監獄的數千份簽名信送至陳倩雯市議員辦事處,希望陳議員能夠代表她的社區,反對市長興建監獄無理政策。