10/26/2018 - CCBA and Neighbors United Below Canal (NUBC) held a town hall meeting to discuss the Mayor's plan to close Rikers Island and build a new 40 stories Manhattan Detention Center in Chinatown to accept additional inmates. Representatives from the communities where the Mayor is planning to build or expand the detention centers from all 4 Boroughs joined the meeting and exchanged ideas. The communities urges the Mayor to stop the current process and engage the communities on his plan.

10/26/2018 - 中華公所與「堅尼路以南鄰里聯盟」(NUBC)舉行監獄建案里民大會,曼哈頓、布朗士、皇后區和布碌崙四區均有社區代表發言,表示市長的計劃缺乏透明度,根本沒有時間給各社區反對,要求重啟監獄建設範疇過程。