09/13/2021 - Minister Chen-yuan Tung of the Overseas Community Affairs Council of Republic of China visited New York City Chinatown. He presented flowers to the statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen at Columbus Park and attended the welcome ceremony at CCBA. Then he hosted a banquet dinner at House of Joy Restaurant to greet the community leaders in Chinatown.

09/13/2021 - 中華民國僑務委員會童振源委員長訪問紐約華埠,先到哥倫布公園中山廣場向國父孫中山先生銅像獻花,然後到中華公所大禮堂參加僑社歡迎儀式,並於晚上在喜運來大酒樓設宴招待華埠僑領。