11/10/2021 - In a meeting held at CCBA Auditorium, Governor Kathy Hochul announced that Chinatown will receive $20 million in funding as the New York City Region winner of the fifth round of the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI).  The funding will help the community to boost the post COVID-19 economies by transforming downtowns into vibrant neighborhoods.

11/10/2021 - 紐約州霍楚州長(Kathy Hochul)在中華公所宣布華埠成為「紐約州下州地區振興計畫」(Downtown Revitalization Initiative,DRI)第五輪資金補助十個地區之一,將獲得2000萬元撥款,投入到社區經濟建設,幫助華埠從新冠疫情中恢復及復興。