08/13/2023 - The Vice President Lai Ching-te of the Republic of China transited through New York en route to attend the inauguration ceremony of the newly elected president of the Republic of Paraguay. During his stay, he attended a banquet with mainstream and overseas community leaders. At the banquet, President Raymond Tsang delivered a speech, reiterating the unified support of the New York overseas Chinese community for a free and democratic Republic of China.

08/13/2023 - 中華民國賴清德副總統前往出席巴拉圭共和國新任總統就職典禮途中過境紐約,並出席主流暨僑界人士晚宴。曾偉康主席在晚宴上致辭,重申紐約僑社齊心協力支持自由、民主的中華民國。