04/16/2020 - CCBA, Council Member Margaret Chin Office, Lower East Side Care, Inc., CPLDC and Chinatown CLT co-hosted a virtual seminar, and invited Man-Li Lin from U.S. Small Business Administration, representative from NYC Small Business Services and Chi Lau from Lower Easr Side Care, Inc. to discuss on the details of different government assistance plans.

04/16/2020 - 中華公所與市議員陳倩雯辦公室、關懷下東城組織(Lower East Side Cares Inc.)、華埠共同發展機構、及Chinatown CLT四個機構合辦網上講座,邀請聯邦小商業署(SBA)紐約經濟發展專員郭曼麗、紐約市小商業服務局(SBS)代表及關懷下東城組織Chi Lau就多個經濟援助計劃的細節進行講解。