09/28/2020 - The State Supreme Court has blocked the city's efforts to replace the Manhattan Detention Complex with a new jail as part of plans to replace Rikers Island with community-based jails. The Chinatown community felt satisfied with the court's decision. CCBA urges the City to abandon the plan to appeal the court's decision and use the budget to recover the City's economy from the pandemic.

09/28/2020 - 紐約州高等法院判決華埠監獄興建計劃土地利用案無效,要求停止建案進程,華埠團體舉辦記者會,對判決感到滿意。中華公所呼籲市府應取消上訴程序,而利用重建監獄龐大預算恢復疫情下的紐約經濟。